Service Menu

This is a general price list. Each stylist sets their price. Visit their page for details.

You deserve to get your hair done without fear of judgment.

New guest Services

This is a general price list. Each stylist sets their price and they may have different service offerings. Visit their page for details.

New Guest Custom Cut 140+

Are you looking to book a cut that’s custom to your hair texture, face shape and lifestyle? Shampoo, scalp massage and a blow-dry style are part of the experience.

New Guest Curly Cut 167+

A customized cut for your individual curls. It starts with a dry cut, followed by cleansing, conditioning and styled curly. Lastly, your haircut shape is detailed to perfection. The curly cut approach is best if you wear your hair curly 100% of the time.

New Guest All-Over Color 208+

Are you looking to cover your grey hair, go a tad darker, add some warmth or get rid of the brassy tone of your existing color? This service is also best for brunettes, redheads, or darker colors. Shampoo, scalp massage and blow-dry style are part of the experience.

In-salon Consultation 60+

This is perfect for you if you want an exciting and drastic change. This covers everything from going all over blonde or a vibrant fashion color like pastel purple or hot pink, to a super contrasted melt from your dark brunette to a bright blonde, and everything in between! 

Haircut Services

This is a general price list. Each stylist sets their price and they may have different service offerings. Visit their page for details.

Custom Cut 112+

A customized cut created with a razor and/or shears to enhance your individual style, desired length, and face.

Curly Cut 132+

A customized cut for your individual curls. It starts with a dry cut, followed by cleansing, conditioning and styled curly. Lastly, your haircut shape is detailed to perfection. The curly cut approach is best if you wear your hair curly 100% of the time.

Clipper Cut 84+

A customized cut created with clippers to enhance your individual style, desired length, and face shape.

Bang Trim/Neck Trim 27+

A clean up of your bangs/fringe or a clean up of your  nape/neckline of shorter haircuts.

Extra Hair Love 27+

When extra time is needed due to density, length, or complexity of haircut.

treatments & styling

This is a general price list. Each stylist sets their price and they may have different service offerings. Visit their page for details.

Deep Moisture Treatment 25+

A custom deep conditioner chosen specifically for your hair to add moisture, shine, and strength.

Scalp Treatment 45+

An exfoliating, regenerative & revitalizing “facial” for the scalp.

Keratin Smoothing 398+

Smoothes the hair &  increases manageability.

Classic Blowout 80+

Service includes a relaxing shampoo and a custom style created with a blow dryer and brushes.

Retro Dressed-up Styling 160+

A custom retro style. From 1920’s sleek waves to 1950’s pinup waves to 1970s’ bodacious hair, we’ve got you covered. 

Color Services

This is a general price list. Each stylist sets their price and they may have different service offerings. Visit their page for details.

Base (Root Touch-Up Only) 124+

A root touch-up of a single process color

Grey Blending 100+

A quick hair painting service that will camouflage and softly blend your grey/white hair.

Full-head Classic Foil Highlight 269+

A standard highlight where your stylist will intentionally leave out hair to create a dimensional look (1/4, 1/2 and full head).

Full-head Balayage 342+

brightness and dimension created by hand painting just the surface of each section, to create a more subtle sun-kissed look, that requires minimal maintenance during grow out (1/4, 1/2 and full head)

Full-head Foilyayge 398+

A foiling service created to look like a balayage but with extra brightness, contrast, and ribbons of color (1/4, 1/2 and full head).

Bleach + toner/creative toner 132+ per hour

An in-salon consult may be required by your stylist. For when you want to be blonde all over, significantly lighter, or a vibrant/pastel color.